**Correlation Tables** **uses datafile ISQrepdataForesteretal.dta* * Table 2: Correlation with Democracy, Autocracy, Communism* spearman FMIrev democraticscore authoritarianscore combinedcommunistpostcommunist v2csgender v2csreprs, pw pwcorr FMIrev democraticscore authoritarianscore combinedcommunistpostcommunist v2csgender v2csreprs, obs sig *Table E-1: correlations with significance levels and number of observations** pwcorr FMIrev combinedorgs ngounprocessparticipanttotals wingo_raw wvs_overallconfidence iwdtweets v2csgender, obs sig *Table E-2 Bivariate Panel Regressions* xtreg FMIrev wingo_raw estimates store m1 xtreg FMIrev ngounprocessparticipanttotals estimates store m2 xtreg FMIrev wvs_overallconfidence estimates store m3 xtreg FMIrev v2csgender estimates store m4 xtreg FMIrev v2csreprss estimates store m5 *Tables were created using the following commands* estout m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 using "/Users/laurelweldon/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Documents/Publication efforts/FMITablepanelcorrmeasurecomparison.txt", r label cells(b(star fmt(2)) & se(par fmt(2))) starlevels(+ 0.10 * 0.05 ** 0.01) s(N r2 ) nobaselevels *Factor and PCA analysis Tables* *Table F-1* pca FMIrev YIO_confirmed_stock ngounprocessparticipanttotals wingo_inputed combinedorgs *Table F-2* pca FMIrev YIO_confirmed_stock ngounprocessparticipanttotals wingo_inputed iwdtweets2015 *Table F-3* factor FMIrev ngounprocessparticipanttotals YIO_confirmed_stock wingo_inputed wvs_overallconfidence iwdtweets2015 *FMI and Democracy Authoritarianism and Communism*** *Table F-4* xtreg FMIrev democraticscore estimates store m1 xtreg democraticscore FMIrev estimates store m2 xtreg FMIrev authoritarianscore estimates store m3 xtreg authoritarianscore FMIrev estimates store m4 xtreg authoritarianscore lagFMIrev estimates store m5 xtreg FMIrev combinedcommunistpostcommunist estimates store m6 xtreg FMIrev v2csreprss estimates store m7 *Tables were created using the following commands* estout m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 using "/Users/laurelweldon/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Documents/Publication efforts/ISQrevAppendixTablefmidemrev.txt", r label cells(b(star fmt(2)) & se(par fmt(2))) starlevels(+ 0.10 * 0.05 ** 0.01) s(N r2 ) nobaselevels